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All the gifts on this website have been made with repurposed wood, old furniture that has been taken apart, cut down, sanded and refinished to produced the handcrafted products you see here.

I'll never forget the first time I used a wood joiner and planer. I received both these tools as a gift from my brother-in-law but hadn't had an opportunity to use them for a while. After a few months I decided to try them out on some old scarp wood that I had laying around in my garage. I used the joiner to flatten the edges so I could glue these three pieces of wood together. I then used the planer to smooth them out. I couldn't believe the end results. That scrap wood looked like new. Seeing what my wood joiner and planer could do made we want to start building a new coffee table for our living room.


This is one of the beauties of real wood. No matter how many times it has been cut, stained, varnished, or even painted, it can be cleaned off, reworked, and made into something new. You cannot do this with the fiberboard that is used to make most of the furniture you see today.


All the gifts you see on this website have been made with real wood, yet they have not been made with new wood. These gifts had been made with repurposed wood, old furniture that has been taken apart, cut down, sanded and refinished to produce the products you see here. 

Scrap wood that has been joined together with glue
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